Tuesday, January 8, 2013



When this story caught my eye, I wanted to scroll past it but something struck me to browse through it. Astronomer Robert Minchin of Arecibo (Pueto Rico) Space Observatory reported to his bosses at the American Astronomical Society, California that they observed outburst in NGC660 spiral constellation Pisces (Pisces--could this be my homebase?) 44 million light years away. According to them, they have been observing this and other areas for several years and were lucky to catch the outburst, etc., etc. I almost went to sleep as we're now used to these lightyears stories but at the end, I was startled when the statement said, and I quote:

“Astronomers are carefully watching a gas cloud in our own Milky Way Galaxy that is expected to fall into our Galaxy’s central black hole in the middle of this year”. End of Quote.

Unless I did not understand the article, they did not reveal when they started watching this gas cloud in our galaxy and how long it has been there but they said clearly that they expect it to fall into our central black hole around June/July 2013. As luck would have it(?), we are supposed to be located at the fringe of the Milky Way so maybe the effects of this expectation would not affect Earth (or our Solar system) adversely... maybe they would be kind enough to elaborate on the possible effects?

I am not an Astronomer so I rely on what they tell us. Is there any other phenomenon they have observed or suspect that they want to let us know right now? Events millions of light years away are always clear to our watchers but something unknown falling into our own galaxy six months away has just been noticed. Is this astrostylish recognition of Nibiru per the Zetas, or Hyperopia Deja Vu ala http://en.netlog.com/jonathanobikpo/blog/blogid=14185848 or http://jonathan-obikpo.blogspot.com/2012/11/astrophysics-and-hyperopia.html ?

Astronomical millions of light years away my foot!!!

However, the cheering news in my understanding now is that the Governments (rulers) all over Earth are working in tandem to the best of their knowledge to do their best for mankind in all circumstances whenever the superior powers of nature strike, so you really need to be grateful for any news you get from any government agency. The only problem is that governments rely too much on modern scientists, which is why they are always disturbing the Moon that is only attainable for habitation if the Soul is no longer in the physical body.

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