Saturday, February 5, 2011

Game Over For Despots – Lesson For Nigeria

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It all started in Tunisia because one common man was denied justice despite his cries to various organs of government. This sounds familiar, eh? Hmmm, don’t think that I want to talk about ageing Jonathan Obikpo Vs Mr. Nessim Gaon of Israel. The guy’s name is Mohammed Bouazizi and he was only 26 years of age. When nobody listened to him, he set himself on fire, triggering an uprising of the people. One thing led to another and within a few days, the government ran away. The oppressed in other countries in the area quickly borrowed a leaf from the Tunisians. The Egyptian program is in its final stages and would end shortly. I guess that the governments of other countries where the people have some Axes to grind are taking crash courses on democracy and good governance.

At this Endtime, wise Governments do all they can to make their people happy while they can, and take critical steps to secure water and food for the Biblical seven years of famine. In the face of the Biblical Armageddon, it is not difficult to predict the reaction of oppressed people if the financial system is comatose, and food & water are scarce. Here in Nigeria, I guess that the oppressors would have no place to hide and would be the first targets of the people’s bottled-up anger.

Why do we have despots? Times without number, men who were considered good were elected. Subsequently, they became distant from the people and some became tyrants. The reason is not far to seek. We live in a world of light and darkness. Leaders take protection from either the agents of light or darkness. In Nigeria, this action could be conscious or otherwise. When one goes to a Witch Doctor, that is conscious. When one submits oneself to certain acts like taking a Chieftaincy title, an initiation into light or darkness may take place without the recipient’s knowledge. Fornication and adultery may lead to bondage that beclouds a ruler’s judgment.

In Computing, a Virus could load itself into Memory from where it could attack the Hard Disk and/or other systems. Some viruses cause the Files stored on the Hard Disk to become terribly fragmented, causing the Computer to run slowly and/or malfunction. This type of Virus may disable the Scandisk and Defragmentation programs or may not. Even if one succeeds in running Scan and Defrag, the Virus recreates the problem thereafter. However, the infection could only happen if the Antivirus is disabled or somehow compromised. If the Virus is eventually removed, some of the damages to the computer may be difficult to correct, even by a fresh installation of the Operating System or reformatting of the Hard Disk.

Rulers should be extra careful not to allow Viruses into their systems. Good intentions and political savvy are not enough. Moral rectitude cannot be overemphasized, so that impetuous fling with the Secretary or ravishing Airhostess could disable the Antivirus system and initiate bad governance of millions of people for many years. The Bible advises us to be wise as Serpents. A word is enough for the wise.

Jonathan Obikpo

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