Sunday, November 18, 2012


My attention was drawn to the News Media focus on Rogue Planets last week.  Our modern astronomers led by Astrophysicist Philippe Delorme now recognize rogue planets but they say that the closest one is 100 light years (600 trillion Miles) away from planet Earth and would have to configure a magical speed Faster Than Light (FTL) to reach Earth in time for its apocalyptic rendezvous on 21-Dec-2012.  There was no mention of seeing the flagship Nibiru (aka Planet X) between Earth and our Sun, which looks to me like advanced Astro-Hyperopia. One thing I find very interesting is their use of the word “rogue” when there are many other words available to them.  Look up “rogue” in your dictionary & Online and draw your own conclusion but in this context, they have acknowledged that the natures of these planets are negative, harmful, destructive, inimical, rascally, etc., yet it is their duty to deny a Maker, Controller and His law enforcement paraphernalia.

I was also attracted to another scientist, Prof. Brian Cox of Lancashire/Manchester, England.  He is a Knight of Her Royal Majesty (OBE), Pop/TV star and a particle physicist.  He also commented on Rogue Planets but was bold enough to mention Nibiru, which he dismissed with his pregnant Tweet, and I quote:

If anyone else asks me about “Nibiru”, the imaginary bullshit planet I will slap them around their irrational heads with Newton’s Principia.

I took the liberty of looking up Prof. Brian Cox and found him very interesting.  He is in TV showbiz and is adored by the ladies and many other Britons.  Brother Brian ignored Nancy Lieder & Co. and unwittingly but irrationally slapped my head with Newton’s Principia and I fell into Wikipedia where I learnt that it is Isaac’s work of 3 books; of which the third part goes by the esoteric moniker “De Mundi Systemate” and deals with the laws of Planetary motion.  This third book referenced Johannes Kepler, who acknowledges unscientific Astrology, etc?  Consequently, it seems to me that Prof. Brian Cox is one of the important natives to watch in the coming days with regard to Rogue Planets and related content.  I am now following him on Twitter, although I cannot pretend to understand everything he tweets as I’m not a scientific bird--at least not in his class.  If you wanna to join us, go here:

Have yourself a nice week.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

SERVICE - Urgent Work To Be Done

Congratulations to US President Barack Obama for his election victory.  By their action, majority of Americans like his service orientation and want him to continue... very good!  Let the celebrations continue everywhere--including in the refugee Camps where many bewildered people look forward to his leadership to correct their incredible situations.

I read somewhere that Obama supports same sex arrangements… but I also read that he was worried over security effects of Facebook on his daughter... LOL.  Hmmm, well... now he has won and I am sure he knows that the Spiritual controls the physical, and that the Spiritual Police is in the neighbourhood and will enforce spiritual laws, which may be different from the ones emanating from the US legislature.  With his political/legal savvy and compassionate African background, he is best suited to understand the requisite spiritual laws and take urgent steps to reactivate them in America. He does know, yes--it is not by accident that he has been reelected. 

Armageddon is real and imminent but nothing is cast in stone--so much depends on mankind.  The expected action by President Obama and similar actions by other Earth's leaders will activate the good aspects on the Chart and mitigate the very harsh effects of the rising Squares, Oppositions and Retrogressions aligning themselves over many terrestrial spots at this time.  We cannot match the superior fire power of the Holy Spirit, so let's carry the battle to the Celestial sphere by working in tandem with spiritual laws instead of always reacting to the variegated karmic assaults by the dispassionate Angelic hosts.

Some months ago, the UN advertised a job vacancy in Nigeria and I applied--showcasing my natal and technical qualifications for the position.  I thought that I could get some upkeep money and plenty important spiritual Credits but they obviously thought that I was crazy--and they were right, because even some world leaders now want to throw-in the Towel and escape to the mountain – so the easy part is winning the election.  Well… I wish President Barack Obama wisdom from God at this time.  Hey, Hey--Everybody, drink up and get back to work...

Jonathan Obikpo